May '20

Graduation Sunday
May '20

JUNE 7, 2020
Graduation Sunday is quickly approaching and we would like to recognize our students milestone of graduation.
This year, we would like to get photos of your graduate with a short quote from them. This may be a life’s lesson, a testimony or something that they want us to know about them. Also, for high school seniors, include their next step such as the college that they will attend or employer that they will work for. College graduates might add where they plan on working after graduation.
If you wish to participate in this recognition, email your photo(s) with your graduate’s full name, their quote and school graduating from.
Email images to lifepointchurch14@gmail.com
Dinner and a Movie
Iron Men Dinner and Movie Night
Saturday August 24 at 5pm
Iron Men will be grilling dogs and burgers for a Summer’s end fellowship dinner. Bring your favorite tailgate dish to share. Stay after for the movie “Breakthrough” produced by basketball star Stephen Curry.
Jan '19

The Compassionate Friends Group
Jan '19

A Compassionate Friends Group is coming to Carteret County.
The Compassionate Friends is an organization committed to helping those grieving the loss of a child, grandchild, or sibling.
The TCF Mission Statement:
When a child dies, at any age, the family suffers intense pain and may feel hopeless and isolated. The Compassionate Friends provides highly personal comfort, hope, and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family.
The group will meet at Life Point Church
Start Date & Time Will Be Determined and Announced Soon. Life Point Church is located at 5058 US-70 in Morehead City directly behind The Waffle House.
Please, call Pastor Ray Conner at 252-241-7395 for more details.
Life Point Church: A Healing Presence in a Hurting World