Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday. During this one week, many biblical prophesies were fulfilled. Jesus came to earth to save humanity by dying on the cross on Good Friday and resurrecting on Easter Sunday. By enduring and defeating death sacrificially for us, He swung open the gates of heaven making a way for our sin to be forgiven and usher us into the presence of God (Romans 5:8).
Here are the dates for Holy Week for 2024: Sunday, March 24 – Saturday, March 30. Easter is on Sunday, March 31.
Important Dates of Lent
Brief Overview of Significance
2024 Dates
Palm Sunday
Celebrates Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem
March 24
Holy Week
The week leading up to Easter
March 24-30
Maundy Thursday
Commemorates the foot washing and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles
Pastor Ray and the Elders have decided to resume in-person corporate worship on August 9 at 10:30am. In the meantime, we will continue to hold Sunday services on the Youtube channel.
July 12, 2020:
Due to COVID-19 concerns, we have decided to back off of in-person corporate worship until further notice. Please, continue to watch online via our Youtube channel.
May 10, 2020:
May 24 will be the ‘tentative’ date for corporate worship to be resumed and in accordance with Gov. Roy Cooper and social distancing protocols. An announcement closer to this date will be made to confirm.
May 31 will be Celebration Sunday. Bring a side dish / desert for lunch after service. Hot dogs and/or burgers and drinks will be provided.
March 27, 2020:
Kite Sunday, scheduled for March 29 has been postponed due to the social distancing recommendation. We will update you all when it is rescheduled.
March 21, 2020:
We will continue Sunday service live stream until further notice.
Please, check on elderly and those who cannot get out to get groceries, medicine and other supplies. We should be the ‘helpers’ that God has charged us as. If you have a prayer request, use our prayer wall and that will automatically get distributed to our prayer warriors. See you online Sunday morning at 10:30am. Those with smart TV’s can use the Youtube app to watch on your big screen. Just search for LifePoint Church Newport and you should find us.
March 14, 2020:
Governor Roy Cooper has closed schools for the next two weeks and has mandated suspension of any large gatherings of 100 people or more. For this reason, LifePoint Church Newport will be cancelling church service for the next two weeks. We will be live streaming each Sunday at 10:30am on our Youtube Channel. We hope to see you tomorrow online.
You can still tithe and give on our church website. Simply go to https://www.lifepointtoday.net/giving to submit your gift at any time. It is very important to continue to support your church even in these circumstances.
The NC REALTORS® Housing Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of our grant application program for anyone impacted by the Hurricane Florence storm system. Eligible applicants can qualify for a grant covering one month’s rent or mortgage payment.
Grants are available for up to $1,500 and do not need to be repaid.
This assistance is available through the generosity of the REALTOR® Relief Foundation, a natural disaster fund managed by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR). NAR has committed up to $500,000 to this effort.
Lifepoint Church is hosting a Thanksgiving service this Sunday, but we are unable to use Ft Benjamin Park. Therefore, we will be meeting at our church, Lifepoint, at 5058 US-70 behind the Waffle House at our normal time of 10:30am. Come celebrate our community, faith and unity before, during and after such a devastating hurricane. Share this with friends and family. No need to bring lawn chairs!
Bogue Banks Baptist Church to Host Parenting Expert John RosemondBogue Banks Baptist Church in Atlantic Beach brings to the community nationally known author, syndicated columnist, and family psychologist John Rosemond on October 14, 2018. Rosemond is known for his sound advice and relaxed style and is one of America’s busiest and most popular public speakers. Rosemond will be speaking on “Parenting with Love and Leadership” on Sunday, October 14 from 2-5:30pm at Bogue Banks Baptist Church, 1417 W. Ft. Macon Road, Atlantic Beach. “Parenting with Love and Leadership” is a humorous, yet thought-provoking seminar, where family psychologist Rosemond describes the contemporary parenting conundrum in clear, compelling terms and then describes a practical, tested solution using what children need adults to provide to them: Love and Leadership. Using compelling real-life anecdote, Rosemond teaches parents how to motivate maximum child compliance, no matter the setting, through the proper use of what he calls “leadership speech.” And when consequences are necessary, Rosemond teaches creative approaches that get the job done! Rosemond has authored over 18 books on parenting, family life, and faith, including his recently released “Getting to Heaven.” He has been writing a nationally syndicated parenting column for over 35 years that appears in over 200 newspapers. Some of Rosemond’s books include: “Because I Said So!”, “A Family of Value,” and the “Six Point Plan for Raising Happy, Healthy Children.” Rosemond’s common-sensical advice has gained much credibility with today’s parents who are sick of techniques and methods that don’t work. Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Burns are grateful to Bogue Banks Baptist Church for hosting Mr. Rosemond. “We felt called to offer this event because we know God’s childrearing principles are best for parents and children. Our hope is that this seminar will equip and encourage parents and grandparents.”
Tickets for Sunday’s event are $15/person; $20/couple (Pay at the door. No credit cards Please.) Email registration is required by September 26 to katherinearthur64@gmail.com.
SMART Recovery® is an international non-profit, volunteer driven organization that offers free face-to-face and online mutual self-help groups. SMART Recovery® (Self Management And Recovery Training) supports individuals who have chosen to abstain (or considering abstinence) from any type of addictive behaviors (substances, activities or both) by teaching them how to change self-defeating thinking, emotions and actions while working towards long-term satisfactions and quality of life. SMART teaches the use of tools to stop alcohol and drug abuse, or to manage or stop activities that have become compulsive, such as smoking, overeating, gambling, sexual behavior and internet use.
SMART Recovery® is an alternative program to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), using a science-based approach. The SMART Recovery® program uses non-confrontational motivational, behavioral and cognitive methods in assisting individuals seeking abstinence from addictive behaviors. SMART Recovery® provides over 600 face-to-face meetings worldwide, plus additional online meetings at various times throughout the week. In addition, our online message board is an excellent forum in which to learn about the SMART Recovery® program and seek support and interactions with other online members.