Welcome to LifePoint Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Service @ 10:30am

Nursery, Pre-K and Children’s Church Available!


Pastor Ray Conner is the lead pastor of Life Point Church.

I am originally from Scotland Neck, NC. I was saved in my home church at the age of 14. Later that year I felt God’s calling on my life to preach His Word. I responded to God’s call, and after graduating from high school, made my way to Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, TN. It was during that time that I met Ginny Gaskins from New Bern. Ginny would later ask me to marry her and make her the happiest girl on earth (this isn’t really true, of course).

I have a passion to minister to people. As a result of that passion, I entered Liberty University’s online program for counseling. In 2009, I received my MA in Professional Counseling and started the arduous process of state licensure. In December, 2012 I became an independently licensed professional counselor through the state of North Carolina.  I am also a Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist through the state of North Carolina. I love the counseling ministry and try to share God’s love through this calling.

Ginny and I have three totally awesome adult sons. Raymond is our oldest and is married to Nena. Ray started and runs his own business in Asheboro, NC. Ray and Nena have three beautiful children, Finley, Cohen, and Lucy. The grandkids are adorable and I wish I could take credit for their looks and smarts.

Joseph is our middle son and he is married to Allison. Joseph and Allison live in the Newport area and attend Life Point Church. They’re just an awesome couple and so supportive.

Our youngest son is Marcus and he is married to Jill. They attend Life Point Church and Jill plays keyboard for our Praise and Worship Team. Marcus and Jill are a beautiful couple

I’m excited about what God is doing through Life Point Church. We have incredible people who love the Lord and their community passionately. Join us for a Sunday worship experience. You’ll meet some of the friendliest people anywhere who will accept you just the way you are.


Pastor Ray Conner, EMAIL
Todd Jachimiak, EMAIL
– Website, Social Media, Sound, Worship Team, Live Stream Ministry, Worship Planning, Communication, Information Technology Infrastructure and equipment
Tommy Anthony, EMAIL
Dave Deitz, EMAIL
– Finances, Church Policy & Procedure, Benevolence
Bible Study:
Ben Nall, EMAIL
Mark Sheppard, EMAIL
– Nursery, Children’s Church, VBS
Student Ministries:
Lee Rice, EMAIL
– Middle/High School Youth, Mentoring
Garry Culpepper, EMAIL
– Men’s Ministry (Iron Men), Women’s Ministry, Shepard’s Hand Ministry, Softball Ministry, Greeters/Ushers, Welcome Point Table, Mentoring
Dave Deitz, EMAIL
– Community Outreach, Missions, Food Pantry, National Night Out, Thanksgiving Festival
Focus Groups:
Rod Herrin, EMAIL
– Smart Recovery, Grief Share, Compassionate Friends, Life Groups
Rick Salter, EMAIL
Marcus Conner, EMAIL
– Strategic Planning, Maintenance, Communion Setup, Baptistry Preparation, Security

Prayer Wall

Rick Salter, March 17, 2025 - 8:47 pm

Plz pray for my brothers, Neal's and Jim. Neal is in the hospital with two broken legs, a broken shoulder and several cracked ribs he sustained in a bad fall. Jim has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and had recently given his life to Jesus which is an answer to prayer. Praise Jesus.

Patricia Collins, February 4, 2025 - 6:26 pm

Please pray for baby Cassidy. She was hit by drunk driver. Austin, Tx. A friend of our family.

Shannon Nelson, January 21, 2025 - 7:41 pm

Our family seems to have caught the crud going around.. 3/5 of us have it. Please pray for us. Also a good friend of mine SCOTT GUTHRIE had a heart attack Saturday night while we were out of state. He came home today from the hospital Praise GOD! Kristy his wife could sure use some prayers too. I’ve been in her shoes and learning to cook for a heart patient is a whole new world.. Thank you all and we look forward to worshiping with you all Sunday. 🥰🙏🙏🙏

Deena Edwards, January 18, 2025 - 6:30 pm

I have got flu 1 I been sick 3 day still got feeling good

TJ Snyder, October 21, 2024 - 2:25 pm

I have been looking for a new job/career opportunity. I have applied for something that I believe I will thrive at and be successful. Prayers for an interview and a possible career.

Danielle, September 8, 2024 - 8:58 pm

I have a few unspoken prayer requests for some close friends of mine. I'm not sure of everything that's going on thank you

Contact Us





    Our God is a God of abundance and He loves to give. He sacrificed willingly on the cross and then invited us into fullness of life. As His children, we are called to imitate Him. Our generosity in giving is a demonstration of God’s character and a response to what He has done for us.




    Right Now Media
    Our church is always looking for ways to serve you as you live out your faith throughout the week. We are inviting you to have a free account to an exciting new video library called RightNow Media. It’s essentially the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies” because you will have instant access to thousands of great videos for kids, youth, parents, married couples and more. You can view these videos from your phone, tablet or computer. And you can also view them in a group setting through a TV or projector. To get connected to this GREAT resource, signup at the Welcome Center this Sunday. 


    All LIVE streamed services are posted on our LifePoint Youtube channel.


    Pastor’s Sermon Notes:

    We Can Believe: Part 1 (September 17, 2023)

    We Can Believe: Part 2 (September 24, 2023)

    We Can Believe: Part 3 (October 1, 2023)

    We Can Believe: Part 4 (October 8, 2023)

    We Can Believe: Part 5 (October 15, 2023)

    We Can Believe: Part 6 (October 22, 2023)

    We Can Believe: Part 7 (Octoberber 29, 2023)

    We Can Believe: Part 8 (November 5, 2023)

    We Can Believe: Part 9 (November 12, 2023)

    We Can Believe: Part 10 (December 10, 2023)

    March 2020

    An Exiled Life: Part 2

    Watch this sermon video on the LifePoint Youtube Channel

    An Exiled Life: Part 1

    Watch this sermon video on the LifePoint Youtube Channel

    Women on Mission Logo Horizontal
    Women on Mission is a ladies group that meets on Sunday’s at 3pm at LifePoint Church.
    Susan Rhodes, 252-241-7447
    Rayne Herrin, 252-269-7502 EMAIL
    LifePoint Ladies Group Would Love To Have You Participate In The Fun Of Loving Jesus!